Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday, February 28th, 2011

Today was a relaxing day.  I slept well last night and in my Rock N Play sleeper.  Mommy was proud of me for sleeping so well!  I'm starting to stay awake a little longer during the day too.  Soon I'll be up long enough to learn new games with Mommy.  She can't wait to teach me Peek-A-Boo and Patty Cake. 
Look at how big I'm getting!  Mommy calls me gordy!

Mommy and Daddy still aren't sure what color my eyes are going to be.  They are looking like a grayish blue right now, so they think my eyes will either be hazel or blue.  Mommy and Daddy both hope they'll turn blue.  I don't mind what color they turn.  Even if they turn brown, I'll be happy, because then my eyes will be like Mommy's.  Oh, and the bumps on my head, the ones from when they vacuumed me out, have gone down a lot!  No more heart shaped head!  Another sign that I'm growing well!

Today Mommy read to me from my LullaBible book.  It's a lullaby book that is based on the bible stories.  Today we read about Genesis 1:1 and I learned that God loves me and cares for me!  Daddy tried to play the CD that comes with the book but his computer started acting up and it ate the CD.  Daddy was smart though and restarted his computer and we got the CD back.  Mommy says we'll try again tomorrow.  I liked hearing the lullabible story though.  There are tons of stories in there, and Mommy said we'll read from it often.  I need to remember to give my Mima a big hug and kiss for getting me that book! 

We stayed in today since we had real bad weather advisories.  I experienced my first thunderstorm today.  Mommy said I was really brave because I didn't get scared.  Bagel and Casper were a little scared of the thunder and would bark at it but I just slept right through it.  Tomorrow we get to leave the house for a little while.  Mommy has her doctors appointment to check on her c-section incision, and then we have to go to the store to pick up more formula.  Daddy goes back to work tomorrow, so I'm going to miss him.  It was really nice to have him home with me and Mommy.  I love being able to take naps with him!  Guess we'll have to wait until next weekend.

This Friday I'll be one month old!  Mommy wants to take me to Sears to have pictures taken.  I hope the pictures come out nice! My second holiday is coming up in just two and a half weeks - St. Patty's Day.  Mommy said we need to find me something green to wear, especially because I'm part Irish.  I hope I get lots of kisses on that day! 

I have to be up early for another adventure out with Mommy and Daddy tomorrow.  I need my beauty rest, so I'm going to bed now!  Good night everyone!  And thank you for reading my blog! 

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Spring is Coming!

Sunday, February 27th, 2011

Today was the first time in a week that Daddy stayed home with us! Daddy spent some time with me last night after he got home. And then I slept really well all last night!

This morning I was a little fussy because I had a ton of gas. Mommy is still giving me Mylicon but sometimes I still get a ton of gas pockets that hurt my tummy. Grandma needed Mommy's help with the computer so she took me for awhile and was able to put me to sleep by walking around the house with me. Mommy also learned that it helps my belly when she takes my legs and pushes them up towards my belly.

Today was the first time since I had to be under the special lights that I slept in my princess bassinet. Mommy spent most of the day re-organizing the room, so I stayed out of the way by taking naps in my bassinet. Later on in the day Mommy took me out to the backyard to see the garden. Grandma showed us all the flowers that were waking up! There are pretty purple flowers growing already in one of the flowerbeds, and there are quite a few daffodils and tulips coming up already too! Grandma says in the next week or so we need to get out there and clean out all the flowerbeds and get the veggies and fruits planted. I can't wait to spend some time outdoors! I'll hopefully get a nice tan! Mommy says for the summer we'll get me a baby pool and a cute bathing suit so that I can work on my tan too!

Other highlights from today - Daddy says I'm very advanced since I was holding my own bottle during my feeding today! Oh, and I got to spend some time in my Boppy. Daddy put me to lay down on my boppy and I loved it because I could sleep on my side! My favorite way to sleep!

Daddy's off tomorrow and I think we are going to try and take Mommy to the doctors. I hope Mommy's incision is okay!


Saturday, February 26th, 2011

Mommy woke up today and realized that her c-section incision might be infected. She called the doctor and he said to put Betadine Solution on it and put a bandage over it. Mommy's incision is hurting her a little bit, and so is the bruise just above the incision. I think Mommy's been over doing it, so today I decided to stay up a little bit longer in between my feedings during the daytime so that Mommy couldn't do too much other than taking care of me.

Mommy and I were going to watch Saturday morning cartoons for the first time this morning, but after looking at the TV Guide we realized that there weren't many good cartoons on! Mommy said she'll find some of her favorite cartoons from when she was younger so we can watch together. I can't wait to see the cartoons like the Smurfs, the Rugrats, and Woody Woodpecker! Since we couldn't find any good cartoons Mommy gave me a bath and after putting me in my duckie robe told me I was a "quacker-rican". :)

Grandma came back from Maryland and boy did she miss me. She spent some time with me so that Mommy could get some things done, and then later on in the evening she gave Mommy another break. Grandma even fed me my bottle this afternoon!

Tonight I'm going to try and be a good girl and let Mommy get some sleep! Tomorrow is Daddy's first day home since he started working. I can't wait to spend time with him!

Friday, February 25, 2011

3 Weeks Old Today!

Friday, February 25th, 2011
Today is my 3 week birthday! I decided I didn't want to just wear one outfit today, so I did things like pee during diaper changes so that Mommy would HAVE to change me! So far I'm on outfit number 4 for the day! :)

Mommy says she thinks I'm going through a growth spurt because I'm getting hungrier faster and eating a little more then usual. She says my little legs are starting to fill out too. No more chicken legs! :) About half of my newborn clothes finally fit me...but there are still some that are still too big on me! I hope that I can get good use out of my clothes before it gets too warm out. Most of my newborn and 0-3 months outfits are long sleeves or warm. Mommy was hoping that I would be small but she really didn't think it would warm up so quickly outside. She's kinda excited that it's warming up outside though because that means we can go for little adventures to the park and maybe even have a picnic!

Mommy taught me a new song last night - Jesus Loves Me. I like that song. When the song says "they are weak, but He is strong" she grabs my arms and helps me make muscles! I really like when she does that, it makes me smile! I can't wait to see what songs she'll teach me next.

Grandma stayed in Maryland an extra day because the weather is bad up there. So it'll be another night of just Mommy and I. I enjoyed the quiet in the house, and thought Mommy might enjoy some quiet too, so I slept most of the afternoon and evening. I overheard Mommy talking to Mima on the phone today and she was telling Mima how much she loves staring at me when I'm sleeping because I make the cutest faces when I stretch. I'm going to have to work on some new cute faces so it can keep making Mommy smile!

Tomorrow is Daddy's last day of work for the week! He gets to stay home with us on Sunday and Monday! I can't wait to spend the whole day with him! Maybe he'll take a nap with me again!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Keeping Mommy Company!

Thursday, February 24th, 2011
Last night I got some special one on one time with Daddy. He was so quiet coming in the house after work late last night that Mommy didn't even hear him come in the room! Daddy wanted Mommy to get some uninterrupted sleep so he took care of me at my 1:30am feeding. It was great because Daddy just held me and walked around with me so that I would go to sleep. I sure do love spending time with my Daddy!!

Mommy started giving me Mylicon yesterday to help with my gas. I think it's working because I'm sleeping a little bit better in between my feedings. I still have some gas, but it's a little easier on my tummy now! Mommy says I sound like an adult passing gas and that it can clear a room. I guess I take after my Daddy!

Mommy gave me my bath this afternoon and unlike most babies, I kinda like the water. I especially love it when Mommy washes my hair! Oh, and I finally let Mommy file down my nails so I would stop scratching myself. It's not so bad once you get used to it. Mommy says that when I get bigger she'll take me to go get my nails done with her. I can't wait to get my nails painted!

Grandma left today for Maryland today. So that left me and Mommy home alone for the afternoon and evening. So I decided to stay up this evening in between my feedings to keep Mommy company. I was a good girl and didn't fuss, but I know Mommy had a hard time finding time to cook without someone to watch me while she was busy in the kitchen. So she brought my Fisher-Price Rock N Play Sleeper into the kitchen so I could watch her cook. I can't wait until I'm older and I can help Mommy cook! Or even better, I can't wait until I get to taste all that yummy food!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Lots of Rest!

I didn't sleep too well last night. I kept wanting to be in bed with Mommy! She finally gave in and then I slept comfortably. Daddy didn't get home until after midnight so I didn't get to see him very much. Then he was out the door 10am for his interview. Daddy told me that he was going to work really hard to make sure that Mommy can stay home with me to take care of me. I'm so lucky to have that Daddy!

I didn't think I'd get the chance to spend time with Daddy today, but his interview didn't last very long so he was able to come home for a while before he had to go into work at 4pm. Daddy fed me, changed my diaper, and then took a nap with me. I really enjoyed that!

Then Mommy and Grandma had to pick up some things at the store so I went with them. Grandma bought me those really neat Hallmark books that you can record yourself reading the book and then replay it. She bought me THREE of them! Then while Mommy was feeding me she read them all to me! I can't decide which one I like best. There's Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, All The Ways I Love You, and Bright & Beautiful. I'm so lucky to have a Grandma and a Mima who like to spoil me! Especially with books!

Other then that I was able to rest today. My neighbor Devyn came by again to say hi to me. Today he brought his dog, Bear, with him. Bear was really hyper today and all three of the dogs were running around playing. Even Bagel was playing! It must have excited Bagel and Casper, because for the rest of the evening they barked and barked and barked. It's a good thing I've already become used to their noises because I was able to sleep through most of their barking.

Well it's time for me to go to sleep now. Mommy needs some rest too! She's been busy taking care of me, but she tells me she doesn't mind that she enjoys it. I believe her because when she wakes me up for my feedings in the middle of the night and I can see she's tired, she still smiles at me and tells me she loves me. One thing is for sure, I have a Mommy and a Daddy who love me very much!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My First Day Out With JUST Mommy!

Last night I was a little fussy. I'm having some gas issues, so I'm keeping Mommy up a little longer then usual at night. I don't think she minds too much though because when I'm gassy she puts me to sleep on her chest so that she can rub my back for me. I really like that and it usually puts me to sleep pretty fast. I think Mommy likes rubbing my back too!

Today was our first day pretty much on our own. Mommy gave me a bath in my new baby tub. She had to use the foam sponge in the bath because I really didn't like the hardness of the bath by itself. I made bubbles again during bath time! This is something I think we'll be laughing about for years to come!

After bath time it was time for us to go to the doctors. I was a good girl all the way to the doctors office in Danville. I think Mommy was a little worried about driving because it was the first time I got to sit in the back of the car by myself. I didn't want Mommy to have to worry about me too much so I went straight to sleep and slept until we got there.

The doctor says I'm progressing fine. I'm now 7lbs 12oz and Mommy says I'm growing too fast! She wants me to stay little as long as possible, but I can't wait to be bigger so that I can play peek-a-boo with her and have her tickle me! Daddy's off to work and I won't see him until tomorrow. He has a job interview at 11am, so I may not get to spend too much time with him. I'm going to miss him!

I spent the rest of the afternoon at home alone with Mommy. I didn't want to tire Mommy out too much on our first day alone, so I took a nice long nap so Mommy could eat some lunch and relax before my next feeding. I even gave Mommy some time to pump! Mommy says I'm a good little girl and read me one of my favorite books while I was eating. I love it when she reads to me!

We still have the evening together and I'm hoping that my Mima will be able to get her Skype to work on her computer. She got to see me for a quick minute yesterday, but I wasn't able to see her. I miss my Mima and so does Mommy. I hope we get to see her soon.

Bath Time Bubbles!

Monday, February 21st, 2011

Today was a pretty good day. Mommy put my new bunny blanket toy that my Tio Raul gave me in my bed with me last night. I think I’m going to like this toy! I slept real well being back at home. I even let Mommy and Daddy get a few hours of sleep in between my feedings. Me and Mommy let Daddy sleep in a little longer then usual today. He was really tired from the drive.

Daddy had his dates mixed up and we realized that he didn’t start his new job today, he starts it tomorrow! So we got another day at home with Daddy. It’s going to be different without Daddy around! But I’m sure Mommy will find lots of things to keep us entertained while we wait for him to come home!

The day overall was pretty uneventful. We went to Wal-Mart so that Mommy and Daddy could get me some things I needed – like MORE diapers and formula! I sure go through a lot of diapers! And Mommy practiced taking the stroller out of the car and putting it back in because tomorrow will be our first adventure on our own. I have my two week visit with the Pediatrician and it will be my first time out and about with just Mommy!

Oh, and today I realized that when I am taking a bath and I pass gas, little bubbles form in the water! I think Daddy will find that pretty entertaining. :)

Goodbye Miami

Sunday, February 19th, 2011

Today we drove back from Miami. It was a LOOOONG drive! I was sad to leave all of my family in Miami, but Mommy says I’ll see them all again soon. I really enjoyed being held by my cousins Dominick and Ali. I loved getting kisses from them too! Mommy says when I’m older they’ll teach me lots of cool things. Like Dominick said he’s going to teach me how to read. And Ali read me the “Is your mama a llama” book. I really liked that book.

I was a little fussy the first part of the trip. The sun was shinning in on me and making me all hot and sweaty. Mommy tried to keep me comfortable, but it wasn’t until they stripped me down into a onesie that I was finally comfortable. Once we got into Georgia I was fine. I got to rest a lot. Mommy sang to me whenever I started to get bored and it would put me right back to sleep. I love that song that Daddy made for me…”Baby Sophia, we love you. We love you our baby Sophia…” It’s my favorite. Daddy’s been singing it to me since I was in Mommy’s tummy!

We finally made it home and boy was I happy to get into my pajamas and get into my bed and go to sleep! While I am happy to be home, I do miss my Mima. Tomorrow will be the first day of my life that she won’t be able to hold me or kiss me. I sure hope her computer is working tomorrow so that I can see her on Skype!