Wednesday, April 20, 2011

New Things I Like

Me and my Rosie!
Have I told you about my new favorite toy Rosie?  She's a flower rattle.  Daddy named her Rosie the Rattler!  I really like when Mommy plays with me and Rosie!  Mommy takes her and shakes her in front of me and then sings "You are my sunshine", except she changes the last part of the song so she sings "so please don't take my Sophia Joy away!".  Anytime Mommy takes out Rosie it makes me smile!  Thank you Titi Nora for my Rosie!

Gam-Maw likes to take me and put me on her knee and bounce me like if I was on a horsey.  And she says "Giddy up horsey!".  I really like that too!  Gam-Maw says I'll probably like crazy rides like daddy because I like to be bounced up and down.  I can't wait until I'm bigger so I can get on a roller coaster!  Mommy says she's not sure if she'll get on the roller coaster with me, but I think if I give her the poochy lip she might get on it with me and Daddy!

I need a few minutes when I wake up from a nap!
I've started to notice the TV.  Mommy has to tell me to stop watching tv during feeding time because I like to turn my head to see the tv and then I drip my milk all over my face!  But there are so many colors on the tv and noises that come from there I can't help but to look at it!  So today Mommy needed to get some laundry separated and decided she would try putting on one of my DVD's on the tv for me.  So she put my bouncer on the bed so I could see the TV and popped one of my Veggie Tales DVD in.  It was a love one.  So I got to see Madame Blueberry and Larry and Sweet Pea.  Mommy says one of her favorite songs is Larry's "I love my lips", and I can see why!  I love my lips too!  I love making bubbles with them!!

Another thing I like is putting my fingers in my mouth and chewing on them! Mommy thinks its because my gums are itchy because I'm getting ready to teethe (she thinks I'm going to be an early teether).  I don't know what's going on with my teeth, I just know that I really like how chewing on my fingers (or Mommy's) feels!

I like sleeping in Mommy and Daddy's bed!

I like exercising too!  All day I kick and kick and kick!  Mommy says I'm going to be good at soccer - which makes my Uncle Tony really happy! He says he's going to teach me how to play soccer! 

The last thing  I want to tell you that I like is that I'm going to Miami next month to visit my Mima and my titis and tios!  I can't wait to see everyone!!!  See you in 5 weeks!

I outgrew my NB clothes - but my 0-3 mths are still HUGE on me!

Like my burp cloth hat?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Lots of Firsts

Like my bunny slippers?
I've had a lot of firsts lately!  In the past couple of weeks I've gone to church for the first time, got my first set of shots, hung out in my Snugli carrier, stayed alone with Gam-Maw, and went to my first dinner party. 

Mommy and Daddy took me to church for the first time two Sundays ago.  The drive to church put me to sleep - it's a long drive, an hour and five minutes! - and I stayed sleeping through the worship.  I started to wake up when the pastor started to preach - he's kinda loud when he preaches, and sometimes he kinda yells - so Mommy took me outside of the sanctuary.  I heard all the babies in the nursery, and some were crying, and even though Mommy told me she wasn't going to put me in there, I got nervous that I'd be with all the crying babies, so I decided it was best just to go back asleep so Mommy would let me stay with her.  Mommy didn't really get to hear the pastor preach though because she was too worried that I was going to wake up and cry.  A nice lady showed Mommy the nursing room where mommys can go and change and feed their babies. So that's where we stayed while Daddy stayed in service.  Daddy liked the service so we went back this weekend.  I woke up during the worship again but right after Mommy changed me and fed me I went straight to sleep.  I was a good girl and stayed sleeping so Mommy could go back into the service.  There was a different man preaching this week and he didn't yell, so it was easier for me to stay sleeping.  Going to church isn't so bad because if I'm a good girl and stay sleeping I get extra cuddle time with Mommy instead of sleeping in my carseat by myself.  :)
Me after my first time in my Snugli.
Last week I went shopping with Mommy and Gam-Maw.  Mommy didn't have my stroller with her so she decided to bring the Snugli carrier with us.  While shopping in the mall Mommy put me in the carrier.  At first I wasn't too sure I liked it, but after awhile I just fell asleep.  And it was a good sleep!!!  I think I like this carrier!  I hope Mommy puts me in it again soon!

Last Tuesday was my two month doctor's appointment.  I'm now 9lbs 10oz and 22 inches long.  Doctor says I'm growing just fine and starting at 4 months I can start trying rice cereal :)  My two month visit was also so that I could get my first set of shots.  They first gave me some yummy medicine in my mouth and then surprised me with three needles in my thighs!  The nurse was really fast, but it still hurt me.  I cried, but only for a minute or two.  Mommy was quick to pick me up and comfort me. The nurse said I might get a fever, but I was one of the lucky babies who didn't get a fever. I was just really sleepy the rest of the day.  Mommy gave me extra loving that day and told me how good of a girl I was.  She told me that if I was older she would have gotten me some ice cream for being such a good girl.  I liked that idea! I can't wait until I can have some ice cream!!

On Wednesday morning Mommy left me with Gam-Maw alone for the first time!  It was only for about seven minutes while she ran to the Old Country Store, but I knew she was leaving.  I woke up the minute she left and waited up for her.  I didn't cry, but I did miss her!
Today was filled with a lot of firsts too.  It was the first day I wore a dress, the first time I've worn sneakers, and the first time I went to a dinner party!!!  The dinner party was here at Gam-Maw's house, and it was only with a couple of her friends, but I stayed awake the entire time during dinner and behaved! I didn't cry once!  I wanted to make sure that Gam-Maw let me come back to her next dinner party!  After everyone was done eating though I got hungry and sleepy.  So I had to leave the party early so that I could go to bed.  I can't wait until the next dinner party though so I can put on another dress!!!
Me sleeping with my Daddy!

Oh, you know what else I'm doing now?  Laughing!  But only with Daddy! Mommy's a little jealous that I only laugh with Daddy, but have you met my Daddy?  He's pretty funny!  Mommy did get to hear me laughing with Daddy this week though.  I've been laughing with Daddy for about two weeks now.  I'm still learning how to laugh so I don't do it often.  But once I learn how to do it real well I'll laugh for Mommy!

That was a really long update, but I wanted you to know how I'm doing!  I'm happy and I'm healthy and can't wait to meet all of you who I haven't already! 
Finally wearing 0-3 months clothes!!!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Being Outdoors

Friday, March 18th, 2011

Today I turned 6 weeks!  It's also my cousin Ali's birthday (or as she likes to call me - the sister I never had in a million years) and my Uncle Will's birthday (Daddy's brother).  Lots of reasons to be happy today! So many great people are celebrating their birthdays :)  So Happy Birthday Ali and Uncle Will! 

My cousin Ali had to get blood work done today as part of her physical and she was lucky because she was able to have Mima draw her blood.  I wish I was closer to Mima so that when it was time for me to have my blood taken my Mima could do it.  Mima told me that Ali didn't even cry when they took her blood!  I hope I'm that brave when I get older.  Maybe my cousins Ali and Dominick can teach me how to be so brave!

Mommy, Daddy and I took a little adventure today to Mommy's doctors appointment in Danville.  I was a good girl the entire trip!  I like long car rides...just not too long!  I liked that Daddy was able to go with us this time so that Mommy could sit in the back with me.  I don't like to be in the back of the car all by myself.  It gets lonely back there! When we got back home Mommy put my bouncer outside on the front porch where her and grandma were sitting.  It was such a beautiful day out!  I was able to relax in the fresh air for a few hours.  I napped out there, ate out there, and just enjoyed the entire time! Maybe this fresh air thing isn't such a bad thing.  Maybe I'll try hanging out in the sun again sometime soon!  Mommy says I may like the sun a little more if I was wearing a hat.  She said she would try to find one that fits me.  I like the idea of a hat but Mommy doesn't really know where to find one with the elastic that goes around my chin so that it doesn't fall off.  So if any of you know where my Mommy and Daddy can buy one, please let her know! 

Grandma went to Maryland for the weekend.  She went to go spend time with Grandpa so that he didn't have to make the long drive down here.  Grandma says he needs a break from the drive sometimes.  So the next couple of days its just me and Mommy.  And it's almost Sunday - my favorite day of the week right now, because that means Daddy gets to stay home with me and Mommy!  Daddy says he's going to take that job at the church furniture company so that means he'll be home with us a lot more!  I'm so excited about having daddy home with me in the evenings and on the weekends!  He starts his new job on Tuesday.  If everything with this new job goes as planned it means Mommy will get to stay home with me a lot longer!  Isn't that great?

I don't have any new pictures today.  Mommy had a hard time getting good ones of me with her camera phone and she didn't have the digital camera with her downstairs.  But I promise my next update will have pictures. 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

My Second Holiday - St. Patrick's Day!

Thursday, March 17th, 2011

Today was a long day for me and Mommy.  Today I celebrated my 1st St. Patrick's Day!  I was so excited I didn't sleep much throughout the day.  I didn't want to miss any part of it since I'm part Irish.  Mommy is exhausted from today but I'm planning on letting her get some sleep tonight since I didn't get much sleep during the day.

My first time sunbathing!
Mommy and I ran some errands on our own and then we joined Grandma on some errands.  We went to the Post Office to try and get some stamps so that we can send out my hospital pictures to the family but the Post Office here is closed during lunch time!  They only have two people who work in that entire post office!  We aren't having much luck getting stamps!  This town is a lot different than Miami Mommy says.

Grandma and Mommy then took me to the Nursery.  I got to see lots of pretty flowers!  Grandma bought some and planted them in planters on the deck.  They are really pretty.  I can't wait to get bigger so I can play in the dirt and help plant those pretty flowers.  Grandma says we'll get to go back to the nursery to get more flowers as the weather gets warmer and new flowers arrive.

Since the weather was so nice today Mommy decided I needed to work on my tan so she took me outside on the back deck to get some sun.  I didn't like being out there too much.  The sun is too bright.  Bagel was really enjoying laying out in the sun, so Mommy said when I get a little bigger she'll lay me next to Bagel in the grass to get a tan - so he can show me how it's done!  Bagel spent almost the whole day out there sunbathing!  I guess the sun isn't so bad!  The weather is supposed to be even nicer tomorrow Mommy said, so maybe I'll get another chance to try out the sun!

After spending some time on the deck we went down in the yard and I got to meet Moe and Lucky (grandma's horses). Moe was a little shy and wouldn't get too close, but Lucky came right up to Mommy who was holding me.  Grandma is trying to sell the horses but if she still has them when I get bigger she says I can ride them!

Just a few more days until Spring!
Oh, Daddy got offered a sales job today at a church furniture company.  If Daddy takes the job he'll go back to working regular hours.  That means he'll be home every night for dinner and he'll be home on weekends with us!  I hope that works because I would really like to spend more time with him!

Grandma is planning on going to Maryland this weekend so it'll just be Mommy and me at home tomorrow night and Saturday, so if she doesn't get a chance to type my blog for me, forgive her, she's probably busy spending time with me!

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!  I can't wait for my next holiday - My 1st Easter!

Monday, March 14, 2011

New Update

Monday, March 14th, 2011

Hi Everyone!
I know it's been awhile since I've blogged.  I'm sorry about that, but I haven't given Mommy much time to type my blog for me.  Grandma was sick when she came back from Maryland and then Daddy caught the nasty cold Grandma had.  Mommy was really busy taking care of me and didn't have time to type up my thoughts.  But now everyone in the house is well again.  Mommy and I were really lucky and didn't catch it!  Mommy's antibodies must be really strong because it protected us both!

I went to the doctors on Friday for my One Month Check-up and they say I'm growing well.  I'm now 8lbs 14oz and 21 inches long.  Mommy says she can tell I've gotten longer because some of my pants don't go all the way down to my feet anymore!  The doctor said I have a little bit of thrush and gave me some medicine for it.  It should go away soon the doctor said. I don't like the taste of it and so I spit up a lot of it.  Mommy is happy that the medicine doesn't stain because I get it on my clothes a lot, even when I have a bib on.  I don't mean to make more work for Mommy by spitting it up on my clothes, but I really don't like that medicine.  It's not like my Mylicon that taste sweet.  
My Easter Dress!

 Last week Grandma, Mommy and I went shopping.  We got my Easter dress and shoes!  I am so excited about Easter.  Mommy says the Easter Bunny will be coming and he'll leave me an Easter basket full of goodies!  I wonder what he'll leave me!  

Last night Mommy made me a St. Patrick's Day tutu.  She said it wasn't hard to make, and even said that she'll make Daddy one for Halloween.  Daddy wants to dress up like Ace Ventura (I don't know who that is, but Daddy seems to think he's a funny person) but he can't find a tutu that fits him.  Maybe Mommy can make me and Daddy a matching tutu and we can take a picture together!  That would be funny!
Me in my St. Patrick's Day Tutu!

Mommy and Daddy took me to take my one month pictures at Sears today.  I couldn't decide what to wear so I brought two outfits.  Here is a link to the Sears website where you can see all my pictures!

Daddy found some fun features on his camera phone today and so he took some fun pictures of me as well.  

Well it's past my bedtime so I better get to sleep.  I'll try to get Mommy to write more for me tomorrow, but if not, hopefully all these pictures will hold you over until our next post.  Good night everyone!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday, February 28th, 2011

Today was a relaxing day.  I slept well last night and in my Rock N Play sleeper.  Mommy was proud of me for sleeping so well!  I'm starting to stay awake a little longer during the day too.  Soon I'll be up long enough to learn new games with Mommy.  She can't wait to teach me Peek-A-Boo and Patty Cake. 
Look at how big I'm getting!  Mommy calls me gordy!

Mommy and Daddy still aren't sure what color my eyes are going to be.  They are looking like a grayish blue right now, so they think my eyes will either be hazel or blue.  Mommy and Daddy both hope they'll turn blue.  I don't mind what color they turn.  Even if they turn brown, I'll be happy, because then my eyes will be like Mommy's.  Oh, and the bumps on my head, the ones from when they vacuumed me out, have gone down a lot!  No more heart shaped head!  Another sign that I'm growing well!

Today Mommy read to me from my LullaBible book.  It's a lullaby book that is based on the bible stories.  Today we read about Genesis 1:1 and I learned that God loves me and cares for me!  Daddy tried to play the CD that comes with the book but his computer started acting up and it ate the CD.  Daddy was smart though and restarted his computer and we got the CD back.  Mommy says we'll try again tomorrow.  I liked hearing the lullabible story though.  There are tons of stories in there, and Mommy said we'll read from it often.  I need to remember to give my Mima a big hug and kiss for getting me that book! 

We stayed in today since we had real bad weather advisories.  I experienced my first thunderstorm today.  Mommy said I was really brave because I didn't get scared.  Bagel and Casper were a little scared of the thunder and would bark at it but I just slept right through it.  Tomorrow we get to leave the house for a little while.  Mommy has her doctors appointment to check on her c-section incision, and then we have to go to the store to pick up more formula.  Daddy goes back to work tomorrow, so I'm going to miss him.  It was really nice to have him home with me and Mommy.  I love being able to take naps with him!  Guess we'll have to wait until next weekend.

This Friday I'll be one month old!  Mommy wants to take me to Sears to have pictures taken.  I hope the pictures come out nice! My second holiday is coming up in just two and a half weeks - St. Patty's Day.  Mommy said we need to find me something green to wear, especially because I'm part Irish.  I hope I get lots of kisses on that day! 

I have to be up early for another adventure out with Mommy and Daddy tomorrow.  I need my beauty rest, so I'm going to bed now!  Good night everyone!  And thank you for reading my blog! 

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Spring is Coming!

Sunday, February 27th, 2011

Today was the first time in a week that Daddy stayed home with us! Daddy spent some time with me last night after he got home. And then I slept really well all last night!

This morning I was a little fussy because I had a ton of gas. Mommy is still giving me Mylicon but sometimes I still get a ton of gas pockets that hurt my tummy. Grandma needed Mommy's help with the computer so she took me for awhile and was able to put me to sleep by walking around the house with me. Mommy also learned that it helps my belly when she takes my legs and pushes them up towards my belly.

Today was the first time since I had to be under the special lights that I slept in my princess bassinet. Mommy spent most of the day re-organizing the room, so I stayed out of the way by taking naps in my bassinet. Later on in the day Mommy took me out to the backyard to see the garden. Grandma showed us all the flowers that were waking up! There are pretty purple flowers growing already in one of the flowerbeds, and there are quite a few daffodils and tulips coming up already too! Grandma says in the next week or so we need to get out there and clean out all the flowerbeds and get the veggies and fruits planted. I can't wait to spend some time outdoors! I'll hopefully get a nice tan! Mommy says for the summer we'll get me a baby pool and a cute bathing suit so that I can work on my tan too!

Other highlights from today - Daddy says I'm very advanced since I was holding my own bottle during my feeding today! Oh, and I got to spend some time in my Boppy. Daddy put me to lay down on my boppy and I loved it because I could sleep on my side! My favorite way to sleep!

Daddy's off tomorrow and I think we are going to try and take Mommy to the doctors. I hope Mommy's incision is okay!